
Adult Orthodontic Treatment – Facts and Myths – Part III

Choosing Orthodontic Treatment as an Adult

Even after reading all the information about the advanced treatment options available these days, you may feel as if you’re alone in considering adult orthodontic treatment. Nothing is further from the truth – as there are many adults who wear braces – there’s just a good chance you never noticed.

According to the American Association of Orthodontics, 20 percent, or one in five orthodontic patients, is an adult – which is probably a larger number than you expected. This is because many adults choose invisible aligners or ceramic braces instead of metal braces, making them much more difficult to spot.

Determining if Invisalign in Staten Island Will Work for You

Dr. Mohamed AlJanabi can help determine if Invisalign braces are right for you. This system, that uses virtually invisible aligners, is the perfect treatment option for anyone who wants straighter teeth but doesn’t want to worry about changing their diet, dealing with wires, or standing out in a crowd.

While Invisalign in Staten Island may not be the right solution for everyone who is seeking straighter teeth and a more beautiful smile, the best way to find out is to book an appointment at Brooklyn Orthodontics.

In Conclusion

The truth is, if you are interested in improving your smile by straightening your teeth, you have options. Orthodontic treatment is not just for kids any longer. There are many adults who have decided that the long-term benefits of a straighter, healthier, and more beautiful smile outweigh the short-term inconvenience of wearing braces. Additionally, if you’re worried about traditional braces interfering with your everyday activities or professional responsibilities, Invisalign can be a game changer.

From the updated, less visible versions of traditional braces, to the clear (almost invisible) Invisalign aligners, adult orthodontics has become a popular and widely accepted procedure. For more information, or to book an appointment for an evaluation with Dr. Mohamed AlJanabi and his team, give us a call at our Staten Island or Brooklyn location. After all, “Nothing you wear is more important than your smile!” – Connie Stevens

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